Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to your most pressing questions.

- About Sidegig

Sidegig is a Crowdsourcing marketplace for completion of virtual tasks that requires human intellect and needs to be handled manually. Sidegig gives businesses access to a diverse, on-demand, scalable workforce and gives Workers a selection of thousands of tasks to complete whenever it’s convenient.

Sidegig was created because we know there are many things human beings do much more effectively than computers such as micro jobs, survey participation, content creation, review of social media content, voting and many more. Organizations harness the power of crowdsourcing via Sidegig by distributing work to Internet users through a pay-per-task model.

Sidegig is an additional job that a person takes in addition to their primary job in order to supplement their income. Side jobs may be done out of necessity, when one’s income from their main job is insufficient to support them, or simply out of a desire to earn more income. 

A GIG represents a single, virtual task that a Worker can work on, submit an answer, and collect a reward for completing. GIGs are created by task creators in order to be completed by Workers.

Tap on Sign up, fill in your registration details. You will be asked to provide your name, email address and password. In addition an OTP will be sent to verify your contact details.

You can view your account information by accessing the Profile Settings page. From your dashboard, Tap on the three horizontal lines located at the top left, tap on your profile photo to view and edit your account information.

Yes, you can create a Sidegig account if you reside outside Nigeria. OTP verification method will be adjusted to your location. 


- Completing Gigs

To work on a GIG, sign in to your Sidegig Account and visit the Task Center page. There you will see a list of GIGs you can attempt. Tap on a GIG that interests you to get started. Complete the GIG according to the Task Creator’s instructions, provide proof for the GIG completion requested by the Task Creator and Tap on “Submit” Button.


Task Creators have a great deal over the control of the contents in the GIGs they create. Task Creators can choose to create GIGs for their own processes and use or for the use of a third party. You should always take steps to protect yourself from scams and phishing attempts. For example, do not respond to GIGs that ask you to provide your email address, password, or other personal data. These GIGs can also be reported.

Task creators determine whether your work is completed after you submit your GIG. Read instructions thoroughly, complete GIGs accurately, and cancel GIGs you are unable to complete correctly, to build a positive reputation as a Worker. Keep in mind that cancelling GIGs will not affect the number of GIGs you can complete.

This depends on the GIG category and the Task creator as GIGs have a specified time allotted to each worker who attempts the GIG. This specified time can be set by the Task creator. Once the worker starts the GIG, a timer begins to count down. When the timer hits the allotted time, the GIG is made available for other Workers to attempt.

Sidegig Limits the number of GIGs Workers can complete on a daily basis as a means of combating bad conduct, including, for example, use of robots, scripts or other automated methods to complete GIGs and ensuring that Workers are exercising their independent, human judgement to complete GIGs

Task creators and Staff members within the content moderation team may reject your work if they believe the answer is wrong, the GIG was not completed correctly, or that the instructions were not followed.

No. All work product that you submit to answer a GIG on Sidegig should be unique to the Task Creator.

Workers have the right to cancel a GIG if they have no interest in completing the GIG. If you see a GIG that violates Sidegig Terms and Policies, such GIGs can be reported.

Ensure to complete GIGs accurately by following the instructions of the Task Creator when completing them. Workers who submit GIGs without completing them accurately have their GIG rejected and penalized before their Sidegig Account gets permanently banned.

No. Before your account gets disabled, you must have submitted too many GIGs without completing them. Terms and Conditions apply.

You will not be able to submit GIGs until you are qualified to attempt the GIG. Qualification criteria vary based on the GIG category or by the Task Creator.

Go to your “profile settings” by tapping the three horizontal lines at the top left side of your screen, scroll down to the end of the page, Tap on “Select Platform” to choose a category and follow the instructions to get qualified to attempt GIGs in that category.

- Getting Paid

When the Task creator approves your submitted GIG, your earnings wallet will get updated automatically with the reward amount.

Sidegig Workers can withdraw the money in their Earning Wallet directly to their bank accounts.

If this is the first time you will be transferring money to a bank account from Sidegig, you will need to confirm your bank account information. You can add a bank account by tapping on the three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen. Tap on “Payments” to add a bank account. To delete a bank account, you will be required to contact the Sidegig Support Team.

Earnings gets deducted as a penalty to workers who submit GIGs without completing them accurately or by following the Task Creator’s instructions.

No, users cannot transfer from their earning to their Funding Wallet.

There is no limit. You can work as much as you want, many freelancers come to sidegig to earn full time while others earn part-time utilizing their free time. 

Sidegig gives everyone the power to earn as much as they want by performing simple online tasks. With Sidegig, there are no limits to your earnings. The more active you are online, the more you earn.

Withdrawals take 30 days to get processed to your local bank account. For Quality Assurance purpose, before withdrawals are processed, all submitted GIGs are reassessed by the Sidegig Moderation Team to ensure continuous adherence to the Task Creator’s instructions and to verify accurate completion of GIGs by the Sidegig Worker.

You get paid directly into your local bank. You can request withdrawal on reaching the minimum threshold of 4000. Terms and Conditions apply.

- General

Ensure the phone number inputted is correct and active. The OTP should arrive in less than a minute. Alternatively, you can verify using your email address.

Disabled Sidegig Account will not be recovered. These are accounts that have been reported by multiple Task creators over the submission of incomplete GIGs submitted by the Sidegig Worker.

Yes. You can get started on Sidegig without the need to input a referral.

Qualification to complete GIGs varies as this depends on the category of the GIG in the Sidegig Marketplace. Some GIGs require you to submit some information for verification before you are qualified to complete them.

Navigate to the Profile Settings page. Tap on the GIG category. You will be asked to provide information that will be used to verify you are qualified to complete a GIG in that category.

Tap on Forgotten Password. A reset link will be forwarded to your linked email address.

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