Want to make money in your spare time?

Get paid for completing simple tasks.

Every day Workers on Sidegig help Task Creators solve challenges which need to be handled manually. These GIGs are completed by workers around the world that power the Sidegig Marketplace.

Content Creation and Review

Earn money by crafting social media content as per task creator's instructions. Expand your earning potential by interacting with pre-existing content across diverse social media platforms.

Web and Mobile App Evaluation

Workers can participate in downloading and reviewing apps submitted by developers and entrepreneurs, providing feedback crucial for data analysis and growth.

Information Gathering

Completing market research or survey data across diverse topics. Answering questions on computer or mobile devices across various subjects. Writing website content. Casting votes.

Become a Sidegig worker

With thousands of available tasks, it’s easy to find something that fits your interests. 

See how it works below

Find work

Search or browse through the task center and click on the GIG that interests you.

Open and Complete Work

Open the GIG that interests you and follow the instructions. When you're done, submit your work.

Get Paid

After the task creator approves your work, your earnings are available to use.

Frequently asked questions

No limits to the number of task you can work on and how much you earn on Sidegig daily.

Yes, we pay into all commercial banks in Nigeria.

Registration is absolute free.